Friday, July 08, 2011

Private-sector job creation deteriorating, too

Political Animal - Private-sector job creation deteriorating, too

I would like to see where the "Stimulus" fits on this timeline, as well as the extension of the Bush tax cuts. The GOP mantra seems to be that "tax cuts" spur job growth. Well, I suspect the stimulus will plot about where the red to blue transition occurs (which makes sense) and will be followed by a distinct uptick in jobs. Where as, the bush tax cut extension will plot somewhere near the tallest blue line (about sixth from the left) and will be followed by a moderate decline in jobs. Until the GOP can provide compelling evidence illustrating their position, I'll B.S. on their statements. Increased corporate incomes goes to (primarily) to the top of that food-chain - not to the middle class.

Thursday, July 07, 2011


The GOP (esp. this guy) is so stupid. Don't they know they're pissing people off? I'm making the early call, the tables will turn in the next election, GOP out/DEMS in.

Orrin Hatch: The 'Poor' Should Do More To Shrink Debt, Not The Rich (VIDEO)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Debt Ceiling Debate

This is literally making me crazy now-a-days. I find it hard to believe the GOP are willing to stand behind this nonsense. If polled, I bet more Americans would be willing to tax the rich rather than face a double-dip recession (as would likely happen without a resolution by Aug. 2). Frustrating beyond belief....

Jeff Sessions: Saying Millionaires Should Share Pain Is 'Rather Pathetic'

Love it...

Sunday, July 03, 2011


Awesome story. Awesome woman to even attempt the catch.

Woman Catches Toddler After 10-Story Fall Reports Claim

Friday, July 01, 2011

Well, that sucks


Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages: "After the longest recession since WWII, many Americans are still struggling while S&P 500 corporations are sitting on $800 billion in cash and making massive profits. Now, economists from Northeastern University have released a study that finds our sluggish economic recovery has almost solely benefited corporations. According to the study: “Between the second quarter of [...]"